List Processing in CoffeeScript
So you’re coding your CoffeeScript and you have a list that you need to deal with. In JavaScript there is a wide array (pun intended) of methods you can use to make your life easier, but CoffeeScript...
View ArticleUnleash Your Inner Ninja with Jump Start CoffeeScript
Hot on the heels of SitePoint’s recent Jump Start Node.js comes the second addition to this new series: Jump Start CoffeeScript. For those among you who are keen to investigate the handy little...
View ArticleCorrelating CoffeeScript Classes and JavaScript Prototypes
CoffeeScript has classes, but since CoffeeScript is just JavaScript, where do those classes come from? In this article we break down the JavaScript code which is output from a CoffeeScript class and...
View ArticleHappy Holidays from CoffeeScript
The holidays are upon us. To help you get into the mood, I’ve created an HTML5/CoffeeScript application that presents a festive and animated scene (with background music). Although this application is...
View Article[Video] Intro to Sass: A World Where Front-end Dev Isn’t Quite So Sucky
So, you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript right? You're comfortable with them. Sure, there's all that talk you keep hearing about how cool preprocessors like Sass are, but it all sounds a bit...
View Article6 Tips for Writing Better Code
In any given week I can expect to write at least a few hundred lines of code in around four different languages. I can also expect to edit, review, and collaborate on code written by the other...
View ArticleAccelerate Your JavaScript Development with CoffeeScript
CoffeeScript is a tiny language which compiles into JavaScript. Its expressive, yet terse syntax dramatically increases the readability of your code, which in turn makes it easier to maintain and less...
View ArticlePractical CoffeeScript: Making a Tic-Tac-Toe Game
CoffeeScript is a tiny little language that compiles to JavaScript. There is no interpretation at runtime since you write CoffeeScript, compile it to JavaScript and use the resulting JavaScript files...
View Article10 Essential SublimeText Plugins for JavaScript Developers
Sublime Text is a great application for just about any developer to have in their toolbox. It is a cross platform, highly customizable, advanced text editor and sits nicely between full featured IDEs...
View ArticleHow to Spice up Your Slack Channel with Hubot
Hubot is an open source CoffeeScript bot, that can monitor and respond to commands through a variety of chat room applications. As GitHub proudly claims, “it can help to dramatically improve and reduce...
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